Saturday, July 02, 2005

Dad's Funeral Services

We all gathered in Pena Blanca for Dad's funeral services this morning. It was a beautiful morning there and it was great to have the family all together. Bobbi, Justin and Noelle all are doing great. This other photo is of my brother Tom(yes we are identical twins, but I am 40 pounds more identical), flanked by our wives Bobbi on the left and Jan on the right. In the middle is big sister Carlota.

The services consisted of a funeral mass celebrated by Father Cecil, a Franciscan Priest, assisted by our Uncle, Deacon Jaime Baca.

This is my dad's sister, Pelta. She is a retired school teacher and is 92 years old. She is still really sharp and has a good sense of humor. Pelta lives in a nice assisted living center in Albuquerque. She doesn't get out much any more, but she insisted on traveling to Pena Blanca for the services.

This my Uncle Jaime. He is also a retired school teacher. He now spends his time as a Deacon in the Catholic Church. He works out of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rio Rancho. He is very devout and stays busy everyday. I snapped this other picture of him after the services.

It says a lot about him. Jaime is a veteran of World War II. He served with the 5th Air Force in the Pacific as a gunner on a B-24. The tales he tells of his near escapes during that conflict are riveting. I need to tape record them all.

Finally, here is Fermin's resting place in Pena Blanca. He is with his grandparents, the Armijos. God Bless Him.

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