Tuesday, July 05, 2005

People's Perceptions

I just read an unscientific poll on CNN.com. It asked what was the most important issue facing the G8 meeting in Europe. The results were, Aid to Africa 17%, Climate Change 25%, Terrorism 38%, and WMD proliferation 20%. I suppose you could debate why Terrorism, which is mainly being visited on Iraqis right now, should trump Aid to Africa where many more are dying from the effects of poverty. Maybe because there is a lot of oil in Iraq?

One thing that is affecting us all for sure is Climate change. That is where I put my vote. It may not effect people in the next generation too horribly, but after that everyone's head is in a noose. I guess it just doesn't seem immediate enough for people to understand the danger of our global reliance on fossil fuels. I have to say though, that 25% of Americans being concerned about this is a lot better than just a year or two ago. Maybe the idiots at GM will take notice too and stop building those stupid Hummers.

Old Friends

This is Deanna Olson. She is one of a group of old friends I just managed to bump into over the holiday. Deanna is President of the Silver Sun Wholesale Jewelry company. Check them out at www.silversunalbuquerque.com

I knew Deanna back in the early 70's when I was still a news reporter and she was a school teacher. She was a great teacher and still gets rave reviews from her former students at
Bernalillo High School. She left that profession and I think she has become very wealthy by running a high quality business. She sells to many of the Smithsonian gift shops. Deanna used to be very involved with Arabian horses. Everyone of them tried to kill me when I attempted to ride them.

This next picture is of Donna and Janie Fontecchio. My brother Tom and I have been friends of theirs since 1961 when we met them while attending St. Pius X High School. They were in town renovating their old house.
They were both very popular high school cheerleaders. Their house was a gathering place for many after the basketball games. Their parents, Paul and Dixie, would always make spaghetting and pizza. Donna and Janie were really nice to my brother and me.We were the school nerds. I was the team score keeper and Tom was the team timekeeper. The Fontecchio family was very special to us.

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