Friday, August 05, 2005

Mayor's Campaign

The City of Albuquerque will appeal a Judge's ruling that reinstated candidate Judy Espinosa's nominating signatures. It isn't to hard to figure out why erstwile City Attorney Bob White has been ordered to do this by the Mayor. If Marty can keep Judy off the ballot then his chances of getting 40% of the vote and escaping a runoff are much better. Judy's votes, if she has any left after having to resort to this gambit to get on the ballot, will scatter to all the candidates. Sure, many will go to Eric Griego or Brad Winter, but some may also go to the Mayor and that will inch him towards the 40%. Both Marty and I had barely 30% in the last two Mayoral elections, but there was no runoff in place then. Meanwhile, the campaign staggers along with very little debate about the future of our city. Of course, this may not be entirely the candidates fault since the media has not signed on to any indepth coverage. Come to think of it, the only coverage I have really seen is surrounding the signature controversy. This is predictable because of the state of the media, especially the broadcast media. Albuquerque's sustainability from the stand point of growth, water and airshed are something that we all are eventually must debate.

I am reminded of this after recieving word today that one of the movers and shakers of the City's downtown revitalization has taken on new and impressive duties. I am talking about Chris Leinberger. Although he is still heavily involved in our city he has moved on.

Leinberger recently was named as a visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC Now comes word that the University of Michigan Board of Regent's approved a graduate real estate development program which is a joint venture of the Stephen Ross Business School,Law School and the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. They have appointed Chris as the Professor of Practice and Director of that program

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