Sunday, September 18, 2005

Right Again

I hate being right about some things. I spent a good amount of time trying to convince my fellow enviros at the Wilderness Society that we should be very concerned about bush using Katrina to further damage our efforts of land protection by not raising taxes to respond to the Katrina disaster. And then he did just what I thought he would. He says the federal government will have to come up with the money with no tax hikes. Practically speaking, that means he will cut to the bone agencies like the Interior Department, the Forest Service, the EPA, and Science based government initiatives that deal with climate change.

How on earth can we in good conscience hand the bill for New Orleans and the Gulf Coast to our children and grandchildren? Think about this. We have already put them in hock for bush's war in Iraq, and now we are making them pay for this. They are so screwed!

We can only hope that the moderate republicans will stand up to bush and that the democrats will grow a spine. If not, we are proving that we just don't care about anything but instant gratification.

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