Monday, November 28, 2005

Border Patrol Crazy

The head of the Union for the US Border Patrol is upset that their shirt uniforms are made in Mexico. An Albuquerque Journal story says that the Border Patrol is worried that someone can go to Mexico and get Border Patrol uniforms and then no one would be sure who is a legitimate officer. What baloney! I bet you can go to about a million places and get one of those uniforms right now. None the less, these nuerotics will ask the Republican Controlled Congress that they mandate all uniforms be made in the US. If we pursue this further then maybe we better just stop buying Border Patrol Vehicles because a large amount of their parts are made in Mexico. I will bet that most of their leather goods, tires, petroleum, supplies also are manufactured south of the border.

This kind of hysteria by grown men is almost more than I can stand. It makes us look like a schizophrenic nation when people outside our country read about this. I am reminded of our trip back from Thailand where everyone had to take their shoes off at the airport and their computers out of their briefcases. When looking at the foreign visitors they just had this look of utter astonishment on their faces. It was embarrassing.

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