Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sunshine On Bernalillo County Government

I have always been astounded at the news media's lack of coverage of Bernalillo County Government. So, it was refreshing to see the story in the Albuquerque Journal today about the County chucking out citizen members of its Internal Audit Committee because they didn't like what they were proposing for next year's audit targets. Apparently, the county administrators were also a little upset that they came under criticism for feathering their own nest with additional perks.

I have to say that when I was Mayor I was astonished at the resources the media put into city government coverage while virtually ignoring a growing and sprawling county government. The County Commission, much like the Board of the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, works completely under the radar. I think the reason for that is there is no chief elected official to beat up on. It is easier to harass a Mayor than five county commissioners. They and their appointed manager work with very little sunshine on them from the media. That should stop immediately and the mainstream media outlets should assign a beat reporter to Bernalillo county government. There are great stories to be had there.

Preparing for Vacation

Bobbi and I are getting ready to travel to Bangkok, Thailand on Thursday to visit our daughter Noelle who is attending school there for a semester. I have never been to that part of the world and we are looking forward to it. I will blog everyday from there if I can, with photos! Hmm, is Thai food fattening? Who cares?

It will be 25 hours on jets to get there but thankfully we squandered every frequent flyer mile we had to get business class seats on Korean Air. We leave at 6:00am Thursday on Delta to Salt Lake City, then to Seattle, then to Inchon Korea, then to Bangkok. I hope I don't get heat rash. Noelle says to bring baby powder.

We will just roll the dice on this bird flu thing.

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