Tuesday, December 27, 2005

First Time Experience

Public service is a high calling. I really believe that. I encourage young people to do it when ever I can. It is a wonderful career where you can really help your fellow citizens. It is sometimes very frustrating and stressful, and frankly you don't get a lot of thank yous from the taxpayer. None the less, you can really help make peoples lives better.

Now, after saying that I will get to the point. It is not everyday you get to retire for the first time. Well, actually I am not retired yet as the process takes a few months, but I have gone through the routine of taking paper work to the Public Employees Retirement Association in Santa Fe so they can start working on it. It will probably be a few months before the actual retirement date. This is a strange feeling having really done it. I suppose I could change my mind at any time. I will now have the time I need to get started on the campaign for Land Commissioner and it will be nice to know that if I win I will end my short retirement next January.

So, here in a nutshell is what I have done in Government Service for the last 20 years.

1. News Secretary to Bruce King
2. Public relations for the New Mexico State Legislature
3. Public Information Officer and Policy assistant to Mayor Harry Kinney
4. State Director of the Alcohol Beverage Control Department
5. State Land Commissioner
6. General Manager-Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District
7. State Land Commissioner
8. Director-Bureau of Land Management Washington, DC
9. Mayor, City of Albuquerque
10. State Natural Resource Trustee

I also did four years with the United States Air Force and New Mexico Air National Guard.

During the years I didn't work for Government I worked as a consultant for National and Regional Environmental and Conservationist groups. I also consulted for BDM and Road 9, Inc.

I think I have at least ten good years left of work, whether it is volunteer or otherwise.

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