Thursday, December 15, 2005

Narnia Diversity

Justin, Karly, Noelle and I went to see the Chronicles of Narnia this evening. It is a good movie to send children to see although there is violence.

This C.S. Lewis fantasy is one of the few of the genre I never got around to reading. Bobbi and Noelle have read it and liked it. C.S. Lewis was a devout Christian and as everyone who reads about the movies now knows this movie is being embraced by the Christian community. It is really a story about Christ, redemption and resurrection and Lewis would be happy to know it follows the book 'religiously', according to Bobbi and Noelle.

I liked the movie because it really does show that Lewis was probably a Christian that Christ would have liked. (Except maybe for Santa Claus handing out lethal weapons to children in his book.) C.S. Lewis must be a guy who likes diversity. The forces of good in the movie are the most diverse group of holy warriors you would ever want to see. Half men half goats, half horse half men, cheetahs, gryphans, talking beavers and other animals, some creatures I couldn't really identify and regular humans. I don't think that Aslan, the Christ-like lion, would have told the half men half goats that they were to weird to fight the good fight. I am sure gay people wouldn't have bothered Aslan one bit. Or Christ for that matter.

So, I just don't buy into some folks saying the film being overly "Christian." The thing that really makes it good for Christians is its message of inclusiveness. This message probably missed the fundamentalist wackos and possibly the Pope. But, I think somhow in their subconscious the children will see that message.

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