Thursday, January 05, 2006

First Observations

I went to a meeting at the Unitarian Church tonight. Bobbi is a member of that church but we haven't been there since Bobbi started commuting to DC. I went there often for a while and really enjoyed the people there. It was primarily a liberal and progressive congregation. One of the members there described many of the flock as people who weren't really believers but just wanted to "cover their ass." I thought that was pretty funny.

Anyway, the meeting tonight was made up of die hard progressive Democrats and others. It was a great group of people but they are pretty angry. They don't like the way campaigns are financed and they say they have trouble telling people what the Democratic party stands for. I actually hear a lot of this but I am optomistic that the party will find a solid and blunt voice over the next few months. I am also thinking that some campaign reform will come as soon as Jack Abramoff starts spilling his guts. It will be as riveting at Watergate (my sister Carlota was a bonafide Watergate junkie), Enron's demise, and bush's meltdown.

The mightier man, the mightier is the thing That makes him honored or begets him hate; For greatest scandal waits on greatest state.
Author: William Shakespeare

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