I am still impressed with Richardson's detailed knowledge of issues and legislation. He always knew what Cabinet members were talking about when they made their reports and his questions were always on target. Thanks to Conroy Chino for taking this quick picture with my Nikon before I departed.
My Opponent Messes Up
Patrick Lyons was the subject of an Albuquerque Journal story on using state land office funds to air commercials that suspiciously look like campaign commercials. He has spent over $100,000 of money that would otherwise go to buy school supplies for our kids. He said the commercials were for education of the public since they knew little about the Land Office. He didn't explain why he waited almost four years to do this education, but it is just possible waiting until an election year was the important thing. When he was told last week by a local TV station that he had to remove himself from the commercials in order for them to air, he said no thanks! That sort of proves the point that they were nothing more that name i.d. commercial for him. I have called on Lyons to return this money to the State Land Office from his campaign fund. If he doesn't the school teachers of this state should send him a bill for pencils, paper, kleenex, and art supplies they might otherwise have enjoyed.
I had taken a course in Ethics. I read a thick textbook, heard the class discussions and came out of it saying I hadn't learned a thing I didn't know before about morals and what is right or wrong in human conduct.
Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg
Here's what the Santa Fe New Mexican had to say about Lyons: