Thursday, May 11, 2006

Noelle's day

I am regretful that I will miss the memorial services Friday for Harry Kinney. He would understand that I have other important things to do.

Noelle at 2
Namely, Bobbi, Justin and I will zoom off early in the morning for Houston, to attend Noelle's graduation from Rice University. I am also going to miss some political functions, but you know, first things first.
Noelle at 12
Noelle is graduating with a business management and psychology degree after four years at that beautiful Rice Campus in the heart of Houston. She started the year that Enron went belly up. I remember Bobbi and I went on a tour of downtown and the entire Enron building was circled by 'crime scene' tape. It was hilarious.

Noelle at 21
Noelle will be going to work for Intel after a five week Spanish course at the Cervantes Institute in Malaga, Spain. She will work in Chandler, Arizona.

I will be back for the last 24 days of this grueling campaign on Sunday. My potential general election candidate just keeps serving them up. Now, after spending state money on his political commercials last fall, his campaign bought a six year old pickup truck for almost $30,000 and registered it in his name. As reported by the Associated Press he said there was nothing wrong with doing that. Legally, there is nothing wrong. Ethically, it is challenging. What the AP did not report was that Lyons paid thousands of dollars for Antelope hunting permits with his campaign funds too. Then he auctioned them off. The problem here is that he bought the permits from his brother. I have a feeling this story may not be over.

Did I mention you can contribute to my campaign at

I promise you I will not convert your donation personal assets.

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