Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My New Campaign Pick-Up Truck

We are all familiar with my opponent Pat Lyons purchase of a six year old pickup truck for his campaign at a price of $29000. (Six years old!) The campaign paid for the vehicle but the truck was registered in his name. Read about it here.

Well, I understand he is trying to sell the truck and then will give the money back to the campaign. I just wonder who he bought it from in the first place. He has never come clean with that to the media. We do know he bought a lot of antelope hunting permits from his brother to auction off.

Well, today I have a new pickup truck. My new campaign manager, Mike Davis and my soon departing primary election campaign manager Jesse Keefe,(she is moving to Hawaii with her significant other, Jeff) presented me with my pickup at Starbucks this morning. They felt that since I am traveling so much that I would need it. Over the course of this campaign you will see this little pickup many times as we travel the state and visit its communities.

State Democratic Party Chairman John Wertheim said he hoped this kind of campaign vehicle would not generate a controversy.

This little truck will have lots of heavy hauling to do around the state. You should knowI have not put the registration in my name. For some reason they registered it to some guy named Tonka. Also, this was not paid for with campaign funds but with an inkind contribution from Mike and Jessie!


  1. AnonymousJune 15, 2006

    I believe the flames on this pick-up truck to be essential. They give it the look of the speed at which you will be crisscrossing the state talking to voters. I feel that these flames will become frightening flashes in the nightmares of Mr. Lyons. He will see them spreading from county to county encouraging the public to look into his horrible record at the land office and make the "natural choice" in November. Go Jim, go!!!

  2. AnonymousJune 16, 2006

    Vroom, vroom! And I bet it gets at least 1000 miles to the gallon!
