Saturday, June 17, 2006

Nasty Man Replaces Nice Man & Another Accomplishment for Martin Heinrich

John Dendahl, the New Mexico version of Karl Rove when it comes to nastiness, will replace J.R. Damron as the Republican's nominee for Governor against Bill Richardson. He is the guy who attempted to give New Mexico's Green Party $100,000 to run a candidate against the Democrats a few years ago. So, this promises to be an all out assault on the Governor by a guy who will say anything and do anything to hurt any Democrat or progressive cause. Don't be fooled by Dendahl. He is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of guy. My friend Rodger was wondering if Dendahl and Rove met on Air Force One yesterday while bush was in town raising money for Heather. I wonder if Dendahl met with bush. I wonder if anyone in the media will ask Dendahl this question.

I don't know what this looks like to an outsider, but I am an outsider and it appears to me the extreme right wing wackos are in charge of the GOP.

On another note, my good friend Albuquerque City Council President Martin Heinrich has been named by some group as the hottest elected official in the nation. Hottest! His wife Julie Hicks, one of my former kamikaze communications officers when I was Mayor, seemed amused by it all. This is a nice picture of Martin, pregnant Julie, and their son Carter at a tree planting project in the Bosque today. The Hottest elected official is not available.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 29, 2006

    I am also amazed that Dendahl can criticize Governor's Richardson
    ethics or activities after the Green fiasco. As an ex-Green Party
    Co-Chair, I can say that this attempt to bribe the Green leadership really happened. Mr. Baca should write the major papers in the state to remind them of the kind of candidate Dendahl represents.
