Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Water and the Absurd

It was great to see Governor Richardson declare 2007 the Year of Water. This one issue affects all New Mexicans, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, all races and creeds.

Coincidentally, it rained really hard at our north valley home last night for the first time in a year. It was one of the most intense storms I have ever witnessed in Albuquerque and I am a lifelong resident. It was exhilerating and I had wanted to go out and stand in it and get soaked, but there was such a violent electrical storm that I didn't dare try it. When we got up to take our showers this morning there was no hot water because the wind blew the pilot light out on our water heater.

Now switch to the antics of the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District. The infighting between Board members has reached an all time high, except for that time in the 1980's when they had a fist fight. I hope the Governor's call for the Year of Water will include a complete restructuring of the MRGCD. This body is a creature of the Legislature and its whole mode of operation could be changed if so desired. The time has come and 2007 would be a good time to consider modernizing the ways this crucial water agency is managed and held accountable.

The Governor's statement this morning included working with the state's smaller water systems. This is crucial because these smaller systems are not very well maintained and lose large amounts of water to leaky pipes and waste. When I was New Mexico Natural Resource Trustee we funded the Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments to do some work on looking at a few of the small water systems to get an idea of what remedies might be possible. That funding is running out and it would be great if it could be continued.

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