Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Baca Campaign Goes to the Dogs

Alright, I didn't think this one up. The nice people at Animal Protection Voters did. Lisa Jennings and Heather Greenwood organized the fund raiser called "Bowsers for Baca" and it was held during 'Yappy Hour" at the Three Dog Bakery on Montgomery Blvd. in Albuquerque. The Animal Protection Voters have endorsed my candidacy because of my strong stand on protecting animals from the so called Wildlife Protection Services of the Federal Government. They kill wildlife on federal lands. Only the bush administration could give a name like that to an outfit that traps predators in leg hold traps and lets them die agonizing deaths. The group used to be called animal damage control. I threw them off state land in my last term but they are back now and killing again.

I also did a lot of work to protect wild horses in the west while I was Director of the Bureau of Land Management. Certainly those populations have to be controlled, but sending those Mustangs to the slaughter house is not the way to do it.

Bobbi was there with our much loved Beagles. Beagle, 11 years old and Athena, 6 years old. The beagles are wearing bandannas commemorating the opening of the first dog park when I was Mayor of Albuquerque. I actually had to fight with the city council to get that done. Now there are eight dog parks because they are so popular. Marty Chavez has continued my work there.

There were about 25 dogs and fifty people attending. Cookies for humans and gourmet dog biscuits for the canines. There were no dogfights and only a couple of 'accidents'. And we brought in some good money too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry we (BaileyF and I) missed this event, but 5000 miles is a bit far to travel! We'll send a check in anyway; been meaning to for weeks.
