Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Here is the conundrum. All polls say that education is one of the top issues with the public. Most respondents put it at number one. But, everytime there is a school board or school bond election no one votes. As I retire to bed tonight only 38,000 people voted in Albuquerque's school bond election. It passed easily, but only about 12% of the people bothered to vote. It just seems that at the very least every parent with a kid in public school should want to go to the polls. Well, maybe they just knew the bond issue would pass with or without them, but still, a vote for your kids education would seem a good reason to go to the polls. These school elections are the lowest turnout elections of all. I think it would be interesting to do an analysis of who did vote. Were they senior citizens with no kids in school? I would bet that an awful big chunk of the voters might be in that category.


  1. Well I can't speak for the bulk of voters yesterday but I can tell you that my 72 year old mother and 90 year old cousin both voted in favor of the school bond. (I live in CO). I'm sure the general exhaustion of an election year had something to do with the low turnout. Also the fact that this election was separate from any other issues - is that mandated by law - separate school bond elections? Not complaining btw, as mom supplements her social security by working the polls. If your theory is true it may be that parents are as apathetic about voting for schools as their kids are about learning in them! I too attended Griegos/Garfield/Valley like your kids and feel I received an excellent education - all a matter of how much effort you put into it I think.

  2. I will have to disagree. The low turnout is caused by the observation that politicians do whatever they want. We have been taught time after time that when we vote it does NOT matter. The politicians will end up finding a way to bend a rule here or stretch a law there in order to get what they want anyway. The primary election had a low turnout, this special election had a very low turnout and the general election will have an even lower turnout... scared Mr. Baca? You and Madrid should be. Latest polls that I have seen show you and Madrid have the tightest races - why is that? I will tell you why. When the very same person decides they will vote for Richardson, Denish, Lewis, etc. (all the expecteds) and then get down to your race and possibly vote for you or not. Is that the fault of who came out to vote, or other candidates that are on the ballot, no, it is because the voters are intelligent and know what they want. When you suggest that people vote a certain way because of the way you vote then you are questioning an individuals intelligence. Politicians have created the apathy!

  3. Hear, hear!

  4. I didn't vote but I would have voted no. Both the fall and spring elections should be merged into the general November election.

  5. The turnout will be low for the general election because the Republicans have no one to vote for. But the turnout will certainly be more than 12%.

    That guy sounded a lot like John Dendahl.

  6. Why do we have all these one issue elections? Is there some reason why we can't go to the polls once a year?
