It came as no surprise to me that the Albuquerque Journal endorsed my opponent. Their endorsement board hasn't had a nice word for me since I objected to a road as Mayor through the Petroglyph National Monument. I held that road up for four years in a futile fight against the developers who are now heavily financing my opponent's race. It became apparent to me the Journal was protecting my opponent on the disastrous deal he made with convicted felons on the "Worlds Largest Solar" plant near Deming. Their stories on this fiasco used his name exactly once in three stories about the scam that would have put individual investors at risk by assuring them that the State Land Commissioner was a 'partner'. I do like the fact the endorsement made it clear that my opponent wants to drill for oil and gas on our last great western Chihuahuan grassland.
Having said that, I still think the reporters and working journalists at the Journal are fair and accurate when they turn in their stories. I have a lot of old friends there from years past.
The rest of the state's newspapers will start endorsing next weekend. The Weekly newspapers are getting more and more influential too and will probably endorse right before the election.
Jim, While I'm not a fan of yours, I did want to say I appreciate that you and Pat will be appearing on the Villanuci program this afternoon. Yours is perhaps the most interesting race to unfold this year and one of only two I'm aware of to agree to a radio debate.