Saturday, October 28, 2006

It Starts-The Swift Boating

Pat Lyons has just started his negative TV Commercials against me. Everyone says they are truly awful. I haven't seen them since I have been campaigning in the north with all the candidates. Bad pictures of me, lies about me, and generally offensive TV. So, what do I do? Sink to his level? Send a comment and advice.

In the meantime we had two strong editorial endorsements today. One in a column by V.B. Price in the Albuquerque Tribune and a very good endorsement in the Santa Fe New Mexican.

These articles paint a much different picture than Pat Lyons lies do.

We did our tour of the north today with the start in the Plaza in Las Vegas.

Our next stop was Mora and the VFW Post.

Then it was on to Taos.

Then we stopped in Espanola where I mugged with Governor Benavidez of Santa Clara Pueblo.

And finished in Santa Fe with an introduction by Mayor Coss.

1 comment:

  1. When Pat Lyons sees all of your travel across the state with big group so fdems. he must be worried--the Reps. have no coordinated effor t like this at all. Pat Lyons is as they say twisting slowly in the wind---alone and soon to be forgotten--

    I read all the articles about the TV ad and the use of the kids without thier parents permission--Is that Land Office lady Karen Hasse looking for a job or is she the Pat Lyons D. rumsfeld?
