Saturday, November 11, 2006

Turn Them Off

We leave early in the morning for Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. We are staying with Albuquerque friends who have nice accommodations down there. Everyone that goes down there seems to end up owning a condo or a time share, maybe we will too someday. I understand my cell phone will work there and I will blog from the Internet cafe.

I liked the story in the Journal today on those political speed traps. You know, the cameras that Mayor Chavez and his police department have spread around town. I wouldn't mind them so much except they seem to use these cameras to do more than catch light runners. A case in point are the stories on Lt. Governor Denish's photos being splashed in the papers. Now, how did that happen? Did the police chief give orders to watch for politicians cars being caught? Or did the Mayor, who might be running against the Lt. Governor in four years? Really, who cares? Except if you have made someone angry at APD, the Mayor's Office, or the City Council you might just end up on the front page too. OK, it isn't right to run the yellow light. We have all done it though, me included, during inattentive times. But, these cameras are a privacy intrusion at best and a political enemies tool at worst. Turn them off! Catch light runners the old fashion way, with traffic control cops.....not BIG BROTHER!

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