Monday, December 18, 2006

Mt. Hood and Iraq

I have been following the story of the three lost climbers on Mount Hood. It reminds me of the saga of the United States in Iraq. Think about it.

Three cocky guys decide to climb a treacherous Mount Hood in December. bush, rumsfeld and cheney decide to invade Iraq with its treacherous Shiite and Sunni factions awaiting them. The climbers reach their goal, the summit, and then have trouble extricating themselves from there. bush, rumsfeld and cheney capture Bagdad and have trouble extricating themselves from there.

Huge sums of money are being spent to look for the climbers on the mountain. Huge sums of money are being spent trying to rescue the flawed invasion from total disaster and civil war.

The money to pay for the attempted Mount Hood rescue will come from the families of the climbers, leaving them in debt for a long time. The money to pay for the Iraq war will come from the nation's families leaving them and the country in a deficit for a long time. (Unless your family is filthy rich and your bush tax reductions keep you safe)

Most likely, all the climbers are dead after their careless attempt to conquer Mt. Hood in winter. Most likely the death toll for Americans and Iraqis will continue to increase after the careless invasion with no planning for the aftermath.

Of course, the big difference here is that the climbers pay with their lives and bush, cheney and rumsfeld just walk away shrugging their shoulders.


  1. "Careless attempt"
    How rude.
    Mountaineering obviously is outside of your comfort zone.
    Is your idea of enjoying our public lands limited to following the pavement behind the visitor’s station at Bandelier National Park?
    I do believe this is a good thing.
    Please Mr. Baca never wander far from your desk.
    Your judgment upon another’s ability and freedoms are based in what, $$'s?
    Relating what the mountaineers did to what is happening with our involvement in Iraq is the narrowest minded I have read in a long time.
    I ask you to allow lifestyles outside of your urban world the freedom to exist without this demaning attitude you showed here today.

  2. "Three cocky guys decide to climb a treacherous Mount Hood in December."

    You know these "guys" personally?
    Their families?

  3. I feel you missed Baca's point. A lot of people have endangered their lives to rescue these guys and they have cost the taxpayers a bundle.

  4. "A lot of people have endangered their lives to rescue these guys and they have cost the taxpayers a bundle."

    Please define “..a bundle.”

    And this was intentional on the climber’s part?
    Our involvement in Iraq I'll agree is premeditated.
    The use of the local law and military in this instance is their job.
    I believe this is a very fine way to spend military tax dollars that would be spent in any case.
    Then there is SAR's and the CragRat volunteers...

  5. "bush, cheney and rumsfeld just walk away shrugging their shoulders"

    I'm sure you were equally glad to leave behind some less-than- successful actions you took as Mayor and as an appointed federal official.
