Thursday, February 22, 2007

Legislative and City Stuff

Things seem to be heating up in the Legislature mostly because of what appears to be back room deals brought about by industry lobbyists. Representative Joni Guiterrez of Las Cruces, the former NM Democratic Party Chair, mysteriously changed her vote to blast that big $85 million tax credit out of her committee that would enable Sithe Global to build a polluting coal fired power plant. The plant would be built on the Navajo Reservation. Joni had originally voted to keep the bill in committee. Now, who do you suppose got to her? This power plant would by itself undo the Governor's efforts at reducing emmissions of global warming green house gases in New Mexico. It would be shameful for this thing to get all the way to the Governor's desk. Shame on Joni Guiterrez succumbing to special interests.

Secondly, why is the Payday Loan Bill suddenly in Limbo? Same thing actually. The lobbyists for these blood sucking money lenders got to someone and a reasonable bill agreed to by the Governor and many Legislators was been waylaid.

I also see that the Chavez administration in Albuquerque's City Hall walked out on the City Council meeting because they didn't like being asked questions. Usually, Mayor Marty is smarter than this. I wonder if his Chief Administrative Officer has some explaining to do for taking this action. Even at its worse during my battles with the City Council as Mayor, I never attempted this kind of action.


  1. why is it that public servants can not be made to stand and deliver on questions surrounding their public service? and questions about the administration of public power and resources?

    why is it allowed?

  2. why so quick to blame the lobbyists, why not look to the legislators who introduced the bills and are now backing out on this compromise. Way to sit around in your cube farm blamestorming.
