Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Lt. Governor Denish

We were sitting over watery coffee at Flying Star this morning and gosh if the subject of politics didn't crop up. Didn't we just have an election for Governor? Well, of course we did. And now we are in the midst of a two year long Presidential campaign which I whole heartedly welcome because it will give us time to understand the positions of candidates who are running. You can put me in the Bill Richardson camp right now, but of course I will help any Democrat who puts International relations and fairness into America's strategic goals.

Now, Diane Denish is running for Governor. And yes, Marty Chavez is running for Governor. The election is four years away and they are already raising funds. I understand that Diane has over a million bucks in the bank four years out and that is quite an advantage.

Diane can win this election if she continues successful fundraising and if she does what Chavez is good at. She must pick a ruthless and experienced campaign team to win. This early in the game it may not be important yet, but she will need some new and effective political staffing to come up number one in that faraway Primary election.

I like Diane a lot and have known her for years. She is a very decent and honest politician who has more than her own career in mind. I think she has strong core beliefs which many politicos seem to lack these days. You will see those core values at work in the legislature, and possibly when she takes over as Governor for Bill Richardson when he moves up the ladder.

Of course, if the voters don't get more interested in all of this than yesterday's miserable 6% voter turn out for the School election, then all bets are off on any predictions for election 2010.

1 comment:

  1. I want a campaign button for Diane, even if the election is years away.
