Sunday, March 04, 2007

Censure at Least!

As a friend pointed out to me today over coffee, Heather Wilson was one of only 90 members of the House of Representatives to vote for all of the impeachment counts against Bill Clinton in 1998. She did so because she said every elected official should be above reproach and have Honor and, well you perfect.

Now, after Pete Domenici's confession that he did indeed call U.S. Attorney David Iglesias about pending investigations and indictments against some Democrats prior to last November's election, Heather is sticking out like a sore thumb for her avoidance of saying what Pete said. In other words, "I did it and I am sorry." Of course, it now appears that a contrition might not be enough since there is an indication that both Pete and Heather actually broke the law with the Ex Parte communications. As I recall, when Heather voted to impeach Bill Clinton for his character flaws and cover up, she didn't feel his contrition was enough.

Heather Wilson should be censured at least by the House Ethics Committee. (yes, that's an oxymoron) Pete should just try and end his great career at the end of his term with as much grace and dignity that he can. He deserves to be remembered as a great Senator.

The bush administration's callous disregard for Law, Justice and Civil Liberties seems to have rubbed off on a lot of people who know better. All of this is a perfect example. And when you think about it, it is really serious stuff. Think about it, two elected officials calling Justice Department officials to obliquely or directly suggest they hurry up and indict people before voters go to the polls. Sheesh!

One more thing. For some strange reason the Albuquerque Journal keeps bringing up the fact that David Iglesias went to out of state media folks with his story. Is that important? After all, this is a story of national significance. The Journal is doing a good job on this story even if their favorite politician, Pete, is involved. They were nice to him today showing a front page picture of him in front of the American flag.

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