I just Googled David Iglesias' name and came up with 2,200,000 hits in .023 seconds. I Google my name occasionally and today it got 2,370,000 hits in .027 seconds. (How does it do that so fast?)
At any rate, David Iglesias will surpass me by weeks end as this story grows on his firing and Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson try and figure a good way out of this mess. I don't think there is a good way out for them. When Pete Domenici's phone etiquette become front page news you know he is in for a hard time. After all is said and done it is just plain rude to hang up on people. What a strange quirk for our senior Senator.
Bobbi and I went to see a great movie this weekend. "The Lives of Others" is a German film about the Stasi, the secret police in East Germany prior to the wall coming down. It really shows how authoritarian governments can just ruin lives for no reason. It was a timely movie since just the night before we talked with a loved one who for some strange reason was put on a watch list by the Federal Government when it comes to flying. Knowing this person, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for them to be put on that list. Someone, somewhere, in the ever increasing internal security apparatus of the bush administration just decided this person had a strange name, or maybe didn't like the websites they were visiting, or heaven knows what and decided that they should be hassled at airports. This really is maddening but it wont stop until our Congress takes aggressive action on this kind of 'secret police' activity.
As Donna Leon says, fish and scandals are worthless after three days - the fish stink and the scandal no longer does. She's referring to scandal in Italy but it seems to apply here as well.