Friday, March 16, 2007

Gutsy Bill

I actually respect Bill Richardson more everyday. His courageous stand on pushing through legislation on legalizing medical marijuana usage is one reason. He feels it is the right thing to do and understands the right wing will use it against him in the election.

One of the most prominent industries in the world is the Pharmaceutical complex. They sell drugs in every store on every street corner from Walgreens, 7-11's, Albertsons and Walmart. Many of these drugs can be abused, and are abused. But, this strange fixation on using marijuana to ease the suffering of many people is something that has always perplexed me. Remember, this stuff used to be sold over the counter too. It might just be that the biggest fear here is that the criminal justice system is the loser on this debate. Fewer restrictions on marijuana means smaller appropriations.

Anyway, Richardson shows a real compassionate streak when he can do something like this that may not be best for him.

Finally, for a good laugh go to Senator Domenici's web page and see who is standing beside him. I think Pete must be worried. Actually, the reason for the picture is one of the reasons I admire Pete sometimes. He is a great proponent for helping the mentally ill.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the arguments against med marijuana were quite stretch. For example, medical marijuana, a gateway drug. For whom? A gateway drug for the terminally ill, leading to what ... morphine?
