Pete Domenici and Heather Wilson may have a smoking gun to deal with. It looks as if former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias might out them in Congressional hearings related to the firings of numerous U.S. Attorneys around the country. While Iglesias hasn't named them by name yet we will find out which two of our congressional delegation called him to apply pressure to get indictments against some Democrats prior to last year's election.
This is pretty serious stuff. Damned serious. It could bring down both Heather and Pete not because they broke the law, which they may not have, but because it certainly makes them look ethically challenged. If they did call Iglesias you can pretty well kiss Heather's run for the Senate goodbye when Pete drops out at the last minute. Also, this opens up a whole new can of worms for the federal prosecutors on these corruptions cases because the defense might argue the cases were politically motivated. Rumor has it that the Grand Jury has already indicted some folks on these cases, but the indictments are sealed.
If the Republicans are smart -- which they're probably not -- they'd get ready for running Iglesias for Senate. Who could beat him? He stood up for integrity, regardless of who was on the other side.