Friday, April 27, 2007

20 Months and Counting

Uh, 20 months of campaigning is a bit much to take, even when the future of the world is at stake.

Having said that I thoroughly enjoyed the Democrat's Presidential 'Debate' on MSNBC. I know I am partisan, but Bill Richardson really did well from the start by actually saying what he would do about the Iraq War. He would bring home the troops by the end of the calendar year and he would preside over an International effort, including Syria and Iran, to rebuild the sect driven country.

Those were concrete proposals than the others just didn't seem to be able to match. For some reason I got uncomfortable every time Clinton, Edwards and Obama answered questions. Don't think I wouldn't vote for them if they are the nominee, but they have helped preside over this mess in the Middle East and they can not just explain it away.

I am going to read former CIA leader George Tenet's book in which he chastises cheney and bush. After reading excerpts printed in the New York Times today I am more fully convinced that the President and Vice President should be impeached, or just resign. Seriously.

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