Thursday, April 19, 2007

Good Reading

A friend sent this great piece by Lee Iacocca yesterday. It is worth reading because it is full of common sense observations. After reading the front page of the New York Times this morning it is a breath of fresh air.

I was happy to see Governor Richardson make a strong statement on the Supreme Court's decision to deny women the right to control their own womb. The thing is, Bill Richardson recognizes that the majority of people in this country don't want these choices taken from them. However, it takes courage for the Governor to make such a statement because of the influence of the Catholic Church in New Mexico. The pictures of the Governor and the Archbishop on opposite sides on the front page of the Journal demonstrates the Governor's courage.

This whole situation also demonstrates the danger of electing people like bush and cheney. Now, we see the real lasting effect of these disastrous personalities on the well being of our country. We are surely moving backwards on America's civil liberties thanks to them and, an up until now a weak Democratic Party.

1 comment:

  1. My mom forwarded the Lee Iacocca piece to me the other day. I read the whole thing. He is right-on in his assessment and really takes them to task.
    I was just re-reading a post I made (on an old blog that is now defunk) about seeing the movie, "Bobby." I think I'll re-post it because, although the movie was just *okay*, I was quite inspired to go back and read some of the things Robert Kennedy said.
    Bush, Cheney, et al... have made everyone even more suspicious of "politicians" and I can't even use the word "leadership" in the same sentence with those criminals.
    I hope we can find some better leadership through this next election.
