Monday, June 11, 2007

Out of My Chair

I was one of abut 12 million people that came out of their chair last night thinking the cable had failed right in the final moment of the Sopranos. Maybe the earth shifted in its orbit because of it. Some people will hate this ending but I thought it was pretty good. We all knew either Phil or Tony would get snuffed. Phil did so that should satisfy as an ending right there.

I need to go to Santa Fe today for a Governor's Cabinet meeting. I hope I can sit through it as I am now in the final coughing and hacking stage of a severe cold that has lasted ten days. I think this thing is going around. I talked to a friend yesterday who has it and was truly miserable. He sounded horrible. He had the severe congestion and cough too, but to add to it he also was diagnosed with a hernia a couple of weeks ago so you can imagine his painful coughing symptoms.

There was a great cartoon in the Journal this morning. It showed a GOP elephant patting Libby on the back saying he would get a pardon. At the same time the elephant was telling an immigrant that he could not have amnesty because he entered the country illegally. Life is too short.

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