I spent the two hours prior to the airing of the second to the last Sopranos episode watching the CNN so called debate. I have a few impressions of the poorly managed, or should I say blitzed for Blitzer, debate.
1. Hillary Clinton just can't effectively explain away her vote to let bush start his war, especially after not reading a 90 page intelligence assessment that cast doubt on bush's reasoning.
2. John Edwards just can't effectively explain away his vote to let bush start his war, especially after not reading a 90 page intelligence assessment that cast doubt on bush's reasoning. At least Edwards can admit he was wrong.
3. Wolf Blitzer was catering to the so called front runners by giving them more time to answer questions.
4. Wolf Blitzer consistently interrupted Bill Richardson's answers.
5. Consistently, all of the candidates are a hell of a lot smarter and well read than bush and his neo cons.
6. I enjoy Alaskan Mike Gravel's rants which are full of truths and common sense.
7. I thought our Governor Bill Richardson did just fine.
8. It looks like Hillary had a face lift. Sometimes Bobbi and I think about getting one. Why not?
9. I predict that by the end of the year there will be four candidates left and that Bill Richardson will be one of them.
10. General Election day is still 17 months away and I wonder if any human being can keep up the pace these candidates are enduring.
Finally, I wonder if Tony Soprano will get killed next week.
I watched too and thought Richardson did just fine. Hillary did great. I think she is our next president.