Thursday, August 16, 2007


I do have friends in the Republican party and a few friends who aren't Republicans but act like them. I wonder what they can be thinking of the GOP after reading just four news articles today in the Journal or The New York Times.

1. Journal--The GOP wants the Police Department in Albuquerque to arrest all illegal aliens on the spot and ship them out. Oh, are their spouses and children to be notified? I guess that might just be an annoyance to the GOP.

2. The bush administration will make sure that cancer victims continue to suffer in New Mexico by threatening to arrest state employees who carry out the will of the Governor and Legislature by providing medical marijuana for them. So the state employees, fearing prison, understandably will not do it. This is the result of bush's compassionate conservatism.

3. Federal Appeals Court Judges listened with frustration and anger as the bush administration tried to convince them it is okay to spy on Americans with out court supervision.

4. Nicholas Kristoff's Column in the New York Times paints a frightening picture of global warming progressing much faster than expected while the bush administration sits on their campaign contributions from the coal and oil and gas industry.

I think I am getting to be an obsessive/compulsive type over our nation's leadership. I seem to be harping on this stuff way to much. I just cant help myself I guess, so I am OCD! Soon I will get to be that way over our new Democratic Congress if they don't start getting a lot more aggressive over this stuff.


  1. Nice blog! I appreciate your commentary and thoughtfulness.
    I have a lot of "only in New Mexico" type pictures on my blog.

  2. Heh. Love that you posted the "OCD cycle". My partner and I have been talking a lot about our own OCD's lately. He's recently owned up to a few...I've owned up to some too.... We got a mirthful laugh. Even our cat has OCD's. We're a very OCD house.
