Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Playing Field

The republican party of New Mexico is moaning and whining about the publicly financed City Council Elections in Albuquerque. Several candidates for those positions are availing themselves of the funds and the moneyed republican party sees a leveling of the playing field they don't like. Right now all the GOP has to do is call on the oil and gas industry(think Yates Petroleum), or the insurance industry for money for their candidates, but they think a public system is bad.

So, they are making mountains out of molehills on whether or not a campaign can buy a computer for its obvious usefulness in a campaign. Well, they should get over it. They would better spend their time on how their bush team has screwed things up. The only good news, if you can call it that, is that fewer American kids died last month in Iraq, although Iraqi casualties soared.

Soon, bush will claim he coached the Iraqi Soccer Team! Oh wait, the team captain said the Americans should leave Iraq immediately.

Yeah, I know, this is all whining too.

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