Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Marty Chavez would love it here. I arrived at about 10 a.m. and went immediately to my daughter Noelle's house in Chandler, about 17 miles south and east of the airport. I hadn't been to see her little home before. We had good Japanese food and a little father daughter conversation. It was fun. She is like many young people today who want to live in a place with sunshine. Who can blame her. (Although 119 degrees is a lot of sun)

Then I had to head for Wickenburg, Arizona where my meeting is being held. I zeroed the trip meter on the rental car at the restaurant to track my mileage. It was 43.5 miles before I left the metro area of Phoenix. I was dumbfounded by the additional overpasses and frontage roads being constructed along I-17 towards Flagstaff. It will only be a matter of time......

So I decided that Marty Chavez should come and run in Arizona for the Senate. He would understand this place.

His kind of sprawl development is unabated and unsustainable but they would probably embrace him here.


  1. I think Janet Napolitano (a New Mexico native but you probably knew that) would erect a special "border fence" just for Marty.
    I actually think Scot Key, over at Burque Babble is on to something... he suggests Chavez become the next superintendent for APS. He could continue to dictate and run things with an iron fist and APS might actually get straightened out.
    Of course, we'd have to hire in Siberia...

  2. Jim,

    Tell Marty I'll gladly change houses with him. Scottsdale, to where I am temporarily exiled, is obscene for its constant hiss of sprinklers upon golfing grass, a great spouting founts of water, which no one here seems to think will ever run out.

    I agree with you that there is a blindly wasteful tragedy to Phoenix that we'd be ill-advised to emulate in ABQ.
