I read in the Journal this morning that it still hasn't been decided to put Rail Runner Stations at the Pueblos between Albuquerque and Santa Fe. This should be decided immediately in favor of the Pueblos who want a stop. Especially at Domingo, New Mexico which would serve Santo Domingo, Cochiti, Pena Blanca, Sile, and Cochiti City. The old Trading Post at Domingo now sits in ruins along with the old Rail Station. Let's put them back in the mix!
I cringed when I saw that some neighborhood associations objected to a great infill project along Silver Avenue close to downtown. The dense condo project is exactly what we need to be doing. Usually, these associations are run by three to five people who lean on city councillors to lean on the planning commissioners to stop anything that would change their neighborhoods at all. These associations look inward so much sometimes that you wonder if they live in a micro universe.
Stops at the Pueblos would be nice, but I hope Isleta isn't the example to follow. There's been no visible progress toward any sign of a station, even though it's been on the books from the beginning.