Friday, May 30, 2008

Pat & Rebecca and Expo

Three cheers for State Auditor Hector Balderas deciding to audit the Pat Lyons 'sweetheart' deals at the State Land Office. Lyons says it is obviously a partisan Democratic plot to get him. That is the same tact that Democrat Rebecca Vigil Giron is taking on the Federal audit that found millions of unaccounted for dollars spent by her while Secretary of State. She says it is a plot by the Republicans to keep her from being elected to Congress. Paranoia is apparently non partisan.

I was thrilled to see that the New Mexico State Fairgrounds are being considered for some real redevelopment. I was proud to see that the Governor's office thinks the effort should be modeled after our efforts as Mayor to revitalize downtown Albuquerque. This is something that has been needed for that area of the city for a long time and I think only good can come from it. The effort will need buy in from a lot of special interest groups but as in the downtown area, it can happen. The effort will also need a knowledgeable and strong executive to pull it off.

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