Wednesday, June 04, 2008

As Expected

The returns came in last night pretty much as expected. The only surprise for me was that some veteran legislators actually went down the tubes. Eric Griego's win over James Taylor was complete and stronger than I could have imagined. Senator Shannon Robinson, who brought us concealed weapons, went down to a new comer. Representative Dan Silva bit the dust too.

This may be more a victory for the Progressive wing of the Democratic party of the party than anything else. I think it is great.

Senator Domenici and his staff must be feeling pretty silly right now for holding back an endorsement for Heather Wilson for so long. It cost her the race and makes it easier for Tom Udall to win a second seat for the Democrats in the Senate.

Martin Heinrich now needs to order up some two headed dolls to distribute to voters in his race against the County Sheriff. The doll would have the head of george bush and Darren White. They are the same thing and White, who was bush's campaign chair in this county, cant run away from his idol. This is the race to watch. Send money to Martin Heinrich asap.

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