Monday, September 22, 2008

Outright Lies

The New Mexico Oil and Gas boys have one thing in common with John McCain. They are all good at lying. McCain continues to lie about Obama's tax proposals and the NM Oil boys continues to lie about how good they are for New Mexico. They did their annual self serving full page ad in the Albuquerque Journal yesterday about how they 'pay for everything' in our state because of the taxes they pay. Most of that is not tax, it is royalties that they owe for sucking "our" oil out of the ground. They have to pay us for something that doesn't belong to them, kind of like you have to pay for everything you buy at the grocery store. They have to pay severance taxes for severing these publicly owned resources from the ground for all time. And they think they are doing us a great favor. Yes, we do owe them some thanks for helping America become great. But, like many politicians, they just don't know when to quietly fold their tents.

Look at the states that surround New Mexico. All of them have much larger and diversified economies because they didn't have powerful oil boys controlling their legislatures. That has held us back for decades and it is time to end this stranglehold they have on our politics.

The best way to do this is to make sure the U.S. Senate passes continued incentives for the solar and renewable energy sector. Right now the oil boys are holding that up on a national scale and that is affecting this nation's security. If the oil boys in this country had their way we will fall from superpower status(more than we have under bush/cheney) in a short time.That happened to the Spanish and Dutch empire when they refused to switch from wind to coal to power their ships. It happened to Great Britain when they refused to switch from coal to oil, and it will happen to America if we don't switch to from oil to renewables. Remember to thank the oil boys for that.

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