Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin and McCain

Here is what women can expect from a McCain/Palin Administration.






Obama Has A 100% Pro-Choice Voting Record. Obama has received a voting record of 100% from NARAL Pro-Choice America. [NARAL, 5/14/07]

Obama Passed A Law Requiring That Emergency Medical Services For Sexual Assault Survivors Include Coverage For Emergency Contraception. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of a bill requiring that hospitals providing emergency services for sexual assault victims provide medically accurate information about emergency contraception. [Vote 110, 4/23/08] [92nd GA; SB 0114; 2001; Signed into law 7/25/01, PA 92-0156]

Obama: “It’s Never Been More Important To Protect A Woman’s Right To Choose.” On the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Obama said "it's never been more important to protect a woman's right to choose.” [Obama Press Release, 1/22/08]

McCain Bragged About His Anti-Choice Record And Wants To Overturn Roe v. Wade. McCain has a long anti-choice record and he even bragged about the consistent “zero” score he had received from NARAL Pro-Choice America. [NARAL, 8/11/08] His campaign website says he “believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned.” [Vote 110, 4/23/08] [McCain Website, “Human Dignity and the Sanctity of Life,” 8/11/08]

McCain Opposed Requiring Insurers To Provide The Same Level of Coverage For Birth Control That They Do For Other Prescription Drugs. McCain voted against requiring health insurers to provide the same level of coverage for contraception as they do for other prescription drugs.[Salon, 3/24/08; Vote 75, 3/17/05; Vote 45, 3/11/03; Vote 180, 5/16/03; Vote 231, 7/23/96; Vote 28, 2/8/94]


Obama Helped Protect 330,000 More Illinois Women From Pay Discrimination. Obama co-sponsored the Illinois Equal Pay Act, which provided that no employer may discriminate by paying different wages solely on the basis of gender. The AP says the bill gave “about 330,000 more women in the state protection from gender-based discrimination in pay.”

[93rd GA, SB 0002, 5/11/03, PA 93-0006; AP, 5/11/03; Chicago Tribune, 5/8/03; Chicago Tribune, 5/12/03]

Obama Cosponsored The Federal Fair Pay Restoration Act And Describes Equal Pay For Equal Work As “Fundamental.” Obama co-sponsored legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision making it harder for women to challenge pay discrimination. Obama said “we've got to use all the power at our disposal to make sure that women are treated equally. The idea of equal pay for equal work is something that I think is fundamental to the American ideal.”

[ABC Good Morning America Interview, 7/9/08; U.S. Census, 8/30/05][Obama Senate Press Release, 4/23/08]

McCain Opposed Legislation That Would Help Women Achieve Pay Equity. McCain opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which sought to overturn a recent Supreme Court decision making it harder for women to challenge pay discrimination. McCain even suggested that women get paid less because they need more education and training. In addition, McCain voted against a proposal that would have provided more effective remedies to victims of sex discrimination in the payment of wages.

[New York Times, 4/30/08;, 5/1/08]


Obama Has Fought To Increase Education And Awareness Of Cancers that Affect Women. Obama passed a law in the Illinois State Senate to require coverage of breast and cervical cancer screenings, and he helped pass a law ensuring that women and minorities are included in state-funded clinical research. Obama was an original sponsor of “Johanna’s Law”, which launched a national campaign to increase awareness of gynecological cancers like ovarian, cervical and uterine cancers.

[PL 109-475, 1/12/07; PA 93-0514, 8/12/03]

McCain Voted Against Extending Insurance Coverage To Pregnant Women And Infants And Opposed $214 Million For Breast Cancer Research. McCain voted against extending Medicaid coverage to pregnant women and infants up to one year of age with incomes below the Federal poverty line. He also voted against transferring $214 million from the Defense Department to fund breast cancer research. [1988 Senate Vote #170, 6/8/88; 1992 Senate Vote #211, 9/17/92]


Obama Supported More Domestic Violence And Abuse Prevention Funding And Passed Laws Protecting Victims. Obama voted for funding to prevent domestic violence and abuse, including increased funding for the Office of Violence Against Women, and passed numerous laws protecting victims of domestic violence. [PA 92-0827, Signed 8/22/02; PA 90-0136, Signed 7/22/97; PA 91-0163, Signed 4/16/99; PA 92-0162, Signed 7/25/01; Vote 226, 9/13/05]

Obama Cosponsored Legislation To Reauthorize The Violence Against Women Act. Obama co-sponsored the legislation reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, which provides funds to help communities, nonprofit organizations and police combat domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The VAWA also establishes a sexual assault services program and provides education grants to prevent domestic violence. As president, Obama will fully fund and implement VAWA.

Obama Authored The Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act. In Illinois, Obama introduced and passed the Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) – one of the most comprehensive sets of employment protections in the nation - which ensures that victims of domestic violence can seek treatment without losing their jobs.

McCain Repeatedly Voted Against Funding To Fight And Prevent Domestic Violence. McCain has repeatedly voted against funding to fight and prevent domestic violence, including a $9 million increase for the Office of Violence Against Women. McCain even opposed authorizing grants to aid children who have witnessed domestic violence. [Vote 226, 9/13/05; 205, 5/25/95; Vote 295, 8/25/94]


Obama Helped to Dramatically Expand Day-Care Services. In Illinois, Obama fought to create Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, which included a six-fold increase in day care funding.

Obama Will Expand The Child And Dependent Care Tax Credit. Obama will expand the Child and Dependent Care tax credit to 7.5 million more working women, double funding for afterschool programs to serve 1 million more children, and provide summer learning opportunities to an additional 1 million young people [90th GA, HB 204, 5/31/97, PA 90-0017, 6/19/97; State Journal Register, 6/1/97; HR 3010, Vote 272, 10/26/05]

McCain Has Repeatedly Voted Against Increased Funding For Child Care. McCain repeatedly voted against providing billions in additional funding for child care services. McCain even voted against a proposal to expand tax credits for businesses that provide quality child care centers. [Senate CQ Vote #613, 12/22/95; 2003 Senate Vote #90, 3/25/03; 1997 Senate Vote #153, 6/27/97]


Obama Will Expand Sick Leave To 22 Million Working Women, Expand The Child And Dependent Care Tax Credit. Obama will work to guarantee seven days of paid sick leave to the 22 million working women who currently have none.

McCain Does Not Have A Real Plan To Expand Paid And Sick Leave. McCain doesn’t have a real plan to help parents juggle work and family, and has no plan to expand paid leave and sick leave for working Americans. [Mother Jones, 6/23/08]




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1 comment:

  1. Yet we continue to hear of women who were Hillary supporters, who are now supporting McCain. Seems fantastical to me.

    Or is this just another case of the Big Lie? Are there any figures or objective statistics on this?
