Tuesday, October 07, 2008


All I can say is that the word 'Republican' must now be toxic. Yesterday John McCain was in town before another of one of those hand picked crowds who listened to him wallow in the mud over Obama.

The handpicked crowd apparently did not include Republican Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White. Well, of course he was invited but he just could not bring himself to stand with his party's standard bearer in this election for President. Look at Darren's website front page. It has no indication he is a Republican. I guess White is still praying that people will forget his unabashed support for bush and cheney and White's own blind devotion to the Iraq war. So Republican Congressional candidate Darren White is now doing what so many candidates like him are doing. They are running as 'independent' politicos. But apparently this isn't exactly working either since the latest Albuquerque Journal poll shows White losing big time with independent voters who are opting to go with Martin Heinrich. I just don't think a majority of voters are going to buy into candidates who are perceived to be bush supporters and enablers. Sometimes life isn't fair.

I am sure White and his minions will now do what McCain and his ilk are doing. This Republican sheriff will now have to wallow in the mud in a last ditch effort to win some momentum. I am hopeful that Martin's campaign wont let them get away with it.

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