I am in a real quandary. I just found out some of my favorite places around town contributed to the campaign to ban gay marriage in California. Blakes Lota Burger executives are one. What can I do about that? Why, I can boycott them. But how will Bobbi and I survive without our once a week green chile cheese burger? And, I had just discovered they had really good breakfast burritos. Well, say good by to me Blake's Lota Burger. I grew up with you in this town but you are history in my heart clogging repertoire. I remember your very first store on Lomas Blvd. back when I was a child.
What? No more popcorn at Century theaters? Yep. They sent money too.Well, I can't swear off movies but Bobbi and I will no longer buy their delicious butter soaked popcorn and diet cokes. ($9.75) That is where they make their money, but not from us anymore. I will sneak in Pistachios and leave the shells to let them know I was there.
And finally, don't go buy that new washer at Baillos'. Yep they don't want gays getting married and buying appliances for their new household I guess.
To see who in New Mexico are contributors to homophobia, click here.
After rereading this I realize I will live longer. No more cholesterol pills.
This is terrible. I'm glad I know, but it's terrible. I'm going to go off the good juice: the Lottaburgers and the Frontier tortillas. And the sweet buns. It's not worth it.
ReplyDeleteHey Jim! We're trying to figure out where the Frontier donation info came from. Would you update with that? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIt is better for your physical, emotional, and mental health to not eat at those places anyway. Watching movies rots your brains, too. And why not buy second-hand appliances - or better yet, buy none
Mr. Baca,
ReplyDeleteCan you identify your source for the Frontier Restaurant connection? This topic has gained some traction on another web community (Namely Duke City Fix) and there are questions about the Frontier/Prop8 connection.
Dear Jim,
ReplyDeleteI could not find the names of the Frontier owners on the link you provided.
Please clarify where you found that information.
I'm glad to know this. And disappointed! We were particularly vexed by this, as two of their very long-serving managers there are queer (at least, that's just the two we are acquainted with). It's not just their queer (and straight) customers that they give the fingers to, but these men who have worked very serious hours for years to contribute to the success of that business--they're attacking the people who make them their money. Well, looks like we're off the Frontier. I don't support businesses that are so bigoted that they think I'm not worthy of equal rights and treatment.
ReplyDeleteWhat really worries me are the so called professional people like Dr Robert Miller ($2,500) from Presbyterian Healthcare, Stephen Christiansen ($5,000) Oral Surgeon and Darwin Harrison ($6,000) from ABQ Health Partners…how can they be Health Providers? All this money spent on hate instead of helping others!