Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The front page story in the Albuquerque Journal today in which a reporter states that the state's jet airplane is a symbol of the Richardson administration is just hubris. I am thinking the Rail Runner train is actually that symbol.

Is the jet airplane owned by the publisher of the Albuquerque Journal also a symbol? It has been parked in its hangar for 18 months I am told.

The reporter complains that increased fuel costs are making the plane more expensive to fly. Yes, that is true. But would the reporter turn around and say if the plane were in the hangar and not being used that it would be a waste of resources? You bet. So you can't win I guess.

I also note that the New Mexico State Fair, or. make that EXPO, will be getting its 4th state fair manager in four years. One wonders if the problem might be the Commission rather than the managers.

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