Friday, April 24, 2009

Irate & Misc

The New York Times has a must read article today which may or may not get you as angry as I am. It concerns corporate America's and the Oil and Gas Industry's campaign to discredit science's global warming theories. This was going on even though the front group that they had set up was ignoring its own scientists conclusion that those theories were correct.

Now think about this country's outrage at some of the corporate malfeasance in China. The CEO's of those countries are actually put on trial and some suffer the death penalty for endangering consumers. (Yes, China has lax oversight too.) But, at least when someone is found guilty they pay the price. Can you imagine that ever happening here? Well, it should happen here.

Its a miracle! As election season approaches Mayor Marty Chavez has found enough money in the budget to give non police and fire employees a raise this summer. Don't you just love miracles? Actually, I am happy they will get a raise but this manipulation is almost comical. In the meantime the Mayor's budget person, Anna Lamberson, is leaving city hall. I saw her the other day and she said she had taken a contract to go to Iraq for a year to help build up financial and accounting systems for the government. They need to replace the ones that bush/cheney blew up with shock and awe. Anna is a great lady. She has done a good job for the taxpayer.

The dumbest editorial of the year by a newspaper has to go to the Albuquerque Journal today for condeming President Obama for posing for a photograph with the President of Venezuela. Hugo Chaves is a bit over the top, no doubt, but he is a leader of an important Latin America country and we should be on speaking terms with them. I think it is good Obama is trying to make friends with our current adversaries. What could the Journal be thinking about? Comments appreciated.

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