Friday, May 29, 2009

Tit for Tat

It should surprise no one that Marty Chavez got the endorsement of the city's largest labor union. AFSCME did the deed sometime yesterday. Why wouldn't they stick their neck out for Chavez when he is keeping their jobs intact? Even if it is by questionable financial means. What surprises me is thatwhile Marty has bent over backwards giving the Police and Fire Unions exhorbinant raises over the last seven years that AFSCME rolled over so easily after getting scraps.

Well, lets face it. This is political sausage being made and it isn't pretty.

The big fly in the ointment here is being overlooked by the media. Why did Anna Lamberson, the ever honest leader of Finance and Administration for the City leave her long time post. Could she not do what was being asked of her? Or did she really want to go to work in Iraq rebuilding their governmental finance systems. Think about that.

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