Thursday, June 11, 2009

City Finances

The challengers of Mayor Marty Chavez keep throwing themselves on to a brick wall. They are complaining that the Mayor is being fiscally reckless. Yet little information is being provided by anyone about the true state of affairs of the city treasury. We know that Chavez is spending bond funds, meant for capital projects, for daily operating expenses. No one seems willing to actually ask if that is legal. I don't recall that it is. But don't just blame the Mayor for this. Where is the city council? As is usual in every administration, the Council doesn't like the Mayor, but this council with the exception of Mike Cadigan is silent. Where are the checks and balances?

And if you think budget matters are being squelched at the city, then just start wondering what is going on at the County of Bernalillo. Absolute silence there on everyone's part. Even the internet news services are quiet on this one. Two county commissioners who used to be city Councilors are now running for the city positions again because they are term limited at the county. Alan Armijo and Mike Brasher will probably bring that secretiveness with them back to the city.

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