Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Sunshine Lost---and Sunshine Gained

The Middle Rio Grande Conservancy is holding their stealth election today. That means the incumbents have a good chance of keeping their seats and any chances of reform in that monolithic agency are doomed. Maybe the 2% turn out this year will shower some sunshine on the place. I am voting for Karen Dunning and Adrian Ogelsby. They are the new comers and have new ideas.
On another sun shine matter the process has started to put a 3KW solar voltaic array on my roof top. Hal Everett and his crew from Sunergy showed up right on time today to start laying out plans for the roof.

They used this little gadget which shows my roof is oriented almost perfectly to the south.

This will be a month long process and I will chronicle it here. It should be interesting. More on the financial aspects later.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, I'm looking forward to your solar panel project reports and photos.

    I'll also be voting in the stealth election today and hoping for the best.
