Monday, August 10, 2009


Are all the political candidates out to lunch? Why has no one said anything about trying to save the GE Plant in Albuquerque from closing and subsequently trashing 400 good union paid jobs? None of the Mayor candidates, Governor candidates, Lt. Governor candidates have said much at all about this. It is very strange.

The Albuquerque Journal did a puff piece on State Land Commissioner Pat Lyons not increasing his budget. (They did not ardently pursue his pay for play scheme with developers in Las Cruces either.) Think about this budget thing....we are in the midst of climate change, we see species dying off, our ground water supplies are threatened by the oil and gas industry, and Pat Lyons has done nothing to hire biologists, scientists, geologists, and other specialists to make sure our state land isn't being wasted. Of course his republican bosses, the oil and gas industry, would not want to see those folks out on the 13 million acres of state trust land. They just view public servants as pests.

As I was exercising on my elliptical early this a.m. I was watching the History Channel. Mostly commercials as you can imagine.These ads are about snoring, rip off cheap mortgages, insurance, reverse mortgages and diet aids. I have a theory now that the more you see of those kinds of commercials, the more you can be assured those companies are run by con men.

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