Friday, September 04, 2009


Lots of things have me thinking I have shifted to an alternate universe where logic is not functional. Let me count the ways.

1. Republicans think their children are stupid and dense. I say this because they think President Obama's 'stay in school' address to returning students will indoctrinate them into being liberals.

2. The Albuquerque Journal thinks an imaginary line called a border makes news unimportant. 19 people are slaughtered in Juarez at a drug rehab clinic and it gets a few lines in the back of the A section. Move the disaster 3 miles north and I am pretty sure it would be front page, unless a baby elephant is born at the zoo.

3. There are 10 more or less Hispanic candidates now running for Lt. Governor in New Mexico and not one single anglo. Does that present some sort of opportunity?

4. Albuquerque Mayoral candidate Richard Berry thinks Government should be run like a business. Earth to Berry, Government is not a business.

5. More people are saying that a public option in health care reform would ruin their medicare benefits. Medicare benefits are a public option.

6. Mayor Marty Chavez is running for a 4th term as Mayor and doesn't realize that once he is reelected he will have to deal with his own disastrous over spending in the last 7 years. No one talks about this.

7. Some friends and I have tried twice to send Diane Denish contributions on her web site. We have been unsuccessful in trying to do it. My friend tried to send $1000. Time for a new web service for the Denish for Governor campaign. (A campaign that refuses your money!)

8. My wife Bobbi has surgery yesterday on her knee. Everything went absolutely perfectly at the hospital. The staff, surgeon and facility(Lovelace) was really impressive. But we have health insurance through Bobbi's federal job.

My friend Rodger sent me this link to a funny blog on health care reform.

Jim and Tom Baca--1948

Finally, Happy Labor Day. I will celebrate my birthday Sunday. I will be 64. Strangely enough my twin brother Tom will be 64 too.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Jim. And here's to many more. Adorable photo of you and your brother. :)

    What happened on Diane's website, if I may ask? If it was a technical issue, I'll email her and let her know...
