Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mayor's Race

The news media is letting us down seriously as we look at an election that is just weeks away for Albuquerque's Mayor and City Council races. The only news we seem to see is about who has the first TV commerical running. I have been carping on this for a few months and I will do it one more time. Mayor Chavez proclaimed himself the greatest Mayor in our city's history on his TV commercial. He may be right when it comes to spending money and getting the city into a nearly destitute situation. The city council helped him.

Nary a word in the Albuquerque Journal or the Associated Press. Not much in the blogs either and the independent internet news services. You wont hear anything about the pending disaster until after the election. None of the candidates will say much about it because they would then have to explain how to manage the problem until the recession ends.

Don't be surprised when the bad news can no longer be contained in December. At least we will see if Mayor Marty can handle having to cut programs and be prudent with tax payer dollars, but really he wont have much choice.

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