Friday, September 18, 2009


Unobserved by most in the media, Senator Jeff Bingaman and Senator Tom Udall introduced into the Senate yesterday a bill that would protect 400 thousand acres of wilderness in Dona Ana County and southern New Mexico. The bill is entitled "The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Wilderness Act."

Both Senators and Governor Richardson deserve credit for pushing for this wilderness designation. Now, it will face the opposition of the oil and gas industry and some in the livestock and mining industry. They will oppose it because they will not longer have their way on every square inch of public land in the area. Some of the more enlightened members of these industries will support it.

Also, some credit goes to a lot of local elected officials, sportsmen and members of the business community in the areas who stuck their necks out and said this would be good because of water and landscape protection.

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance worked mightly to get this bill to this point and they all derserve our thanks. For more information see this.

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