Monday, February 15, 2010

Sue Them

A friend of mine has suggested that the Democratic Party sue Fox News for undisclosed in kind contributions to right wing parties and candidates.  Yes , the republicans who are the party of no.  I actually think the idea has merit.  Now that Sarah Palin, that great republican thinker, is an analyst on Fox News there can not be any doubt that Roger Ailes of Fox News is a criminal.  He is breaking the Federal election laws every time he lets this woman on the air.  He could fix this by just admitting he is using the public airways to favor the GOP.  He could remedy it by reporting the the Federal Election Commission how much he is contributing.  If he is going over any limits he should be prosecuted.

1 comment:

  1. "Now that Sarah an analyst on Fox News there can not be any doubt that Roger breaking the Federal election laws every time he lets this woman on the air."

    Wow! That thought had not occurred to me. Yes, there should be a suit brought against Fox.
